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Services of The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice: A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Musculoskeletal Conditions in Singapore

The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice was established to cater to the needs of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. The key philosophy of the practice is that non-surgical methods should always be explored to address the problem before any consideration of a surgical option. The presence of in-house Radiology and Physiotherapy facilities allows a one-stop treatment experience for many patients. Our prices are kept competitive whilst maintaining a good standard of care. Our specialist has an additional area of interest in the management of sports injuries and other areas. Discover effective lower back pain period relief solutions to help you feel more comfortable during your cycle.

This guide will offer patients an insight into potential musculoskeletal conditions that they have. It will discuss the treatment options to address their condition. In sections where surgery is indicated, a brief discussion on what the benefits and risks of the surgery will be offered. In general, the section will not go into too much surgical detail as it is best left to the orthopedic surgeon to discuss the intervention in detail in their clinic setting after a thorough history and clinical examination has been undertaken. Understand the connection between shingles and lower back pain, and explore treatments to alleviate your discomfort.

The term orthopedics is derived from 2 Greek words, orthos meaning right and paidion meaning child. Initially, in the 18th Century, Orthopedics meant the correction of deformities in children. Over the past 200 years, it has now expanded its meaning to mean the correction of any deformity with a focus now on the limbs and spine in any person. The subspecialty of sports medicine was coined to describe the care of professional athletes’ injuries by a select group of surgeons. In general, a lot of sporting hard and soft tissue injuries can be suffered by the weekend warrior or the occasional exerciser. The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice offers services covering both aspects. Learn how to manage lower back pain after standing too long with our expert tips and exercises.

Overview of The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice

The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice provides orthopaedic surgery, sports medicine, regenerative, and non-surgical treatments for musculoskeletal conditions in Singapore. Whether you are a long-time sufferer or have just sustained an acute injury, we aim to provide a comprehensive assessment and custom treatment plan to get you back to what you love doing – whether being active at work or at play.

Musculoskeletal conditions are conditions that affect the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves in the body. Often, the condition is local, but also at times, as in the rheumatic diseases, the condition is associated with constitutional symptoms. Musculoskeletal conditions also have a connection with the cause of generalized symptoms of feeling unwell.

The musculoskeletal system comprises a range of anatomical structures including the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, cartilage or discs, and joints of the body. While these conditions may happen to any person at any stage in their life, the prevalence and signs and symptoms in children may differ from adults. The symptoms of most musculoskeletal conditions are readily evident in the affected area, either through deformity, swelling, pain, or damage due to an existing irreversible damage or inflammation.

Musculoskeletal conditions can be short and relatively minor in duration or it may be complicated with conditions that are chronic, sometimes debilitating, or frequent in relapse. Mild conditions may get better with rest, strengthening or flexibility exercises whilst more severe conditions or diseases will require an array or multidisciplinary efforts from medical and surgical treatment or intervention, and rehabilitation.

It needs to be emphasized that unapparent complaints or nonspecific difficulties may not have organic basis and in reality, may be part of the normal growth and development. The use of investigations to assist in diagnosis is determined by each individual condition or disease, and then hopefully followed by appropriate and timely treatment or intervention. Without proper management, long term irreversible damage may occur. Consequently musculoskeletal conditions can be a healthcare problem, which can lead to disability in the affected individual with economic and social repercussions for the whole society.

Common Musculoskeletal Conditions Treated at the Clinic

Treatable conditions and pain in some of the most common areas of the body are listed below. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so please do not hesitate to contact the clinic to inquire further. There are many other conditions we are able to assess and treat.

Discomfort from a few weeks of backache will not usually be something to worry about and will often settle with time. Sometimes, however, the discomfort can seem out of proportion to the severity of the injury because muscle injuries are notoriously painful; muscle spasms can result in a tight and tender feeling. Non-specific back pain is the leading cause of disability in people aged in their thirties and above. The pain can come on gradually or suddenly, and other symptoms may be present that are associated with injury to the spine. Examples of these include sciatica (pain traveling to the leg below the knee), paraesthesia (discomfort or strange feelings such as pins and needles or burning), and muscle weakness. These symptoms suggest that there may be pressure on a nearby nerve as a result of something in the spine such as a prolapsed disc, bone osteophyte, or a narrowed space. When your back pain has been assessed by the clinic, before further tests when indicated, you can be advised on simple self-help measures, medicine, and supervised gentle exercises to help you get better. If your symptoms are particularly severe, you may be referred urgently for further hospital assessment.

Services Offered

Foremost, the practice offers thorough screenings to detect the presence of various orthopedic problems that are responsible for the onset of pain and dysfunction. These include the very nervous and musculoskeletal tissues that are under the critical study of the musculoskeletal or orthopedic pain specialist. The age-old health feigning adjective, often used by patients suffering from pain without an origin diagnosable by standard laboratory and imaging investigations, is another main presentation in musculoskeletal pain medicine. An accurate diagnosis is made, based on the clinical features of the condition, rather than asking the patient how long they want to stay off work and writing this in the report. The course of pain treatment will be laid out to guide the patient from one week to the next, clearly charting the anticipated course of recovery. The course of treatment can be fine-tuned to accelerate recovery or to support the patient during complicated orthopedic surgical procedures to facilitate earlier return to normal work and recreational activities.

The orthopedic pain specialist performs most of the musculoskeletal surgical operations without routine admission to public or private hospitals. They do not run up the public hospital’s casualty specialist consultation charges with conflicting visuals of the patient. Eye-witnessed and home-observed complications, unnecessary investigations ordered and applied, medicinal complications of routine hospital admission, nosocomial infections and cost to a society struggling to contain health care expenditure. Patients are seen two to three weeks post-operation and undergo wound inspection for stitch removal in the following week. This brings international aspects of musculoskeletal service to Singapore’s burgeoning elective outpatient ambulatory care environment by combining musculoskeletal and pain management services in Singapore. No missed workdays, no odd post-operative or end-of-day presentation in hospital casualty departments, no follow-up in surgical consultants’ less favored and usually less financially attractive elective clinic slots.

Specialized Treatments for Knee Conditions

The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body, primarily due to its ability to bend, straighten, and bear the weight of the body. The knee is a common source of pain, especially with older patients and athletes. Some of the common conditions include sports injuries, injuries due to wear and tear, and infections. Patients can now enjoy early return to activities with arthroscopic techniques, especially for meniscus tears, ligament and cartilage issues. Patients with severe arthritis are now able to undergo total or partial knee replacements, leading to reduced pain and improved quality of life.

Cost of Knee Surgery in Singapore

One of the most important criteria for deciding to get knee replacement surgery is your financial capability. If you’re thinking about surgery, you might be wondering what a good price for your new knee is. First and foremost, the cost of a knee replacement will be different for every person; it’s all down to your unique medical situation. However, here’s our basic guide to what your knee should cost.

When you’re looking at the price, keep in mind what kind of care and facilities the hospital offers: with a smaller, cheaper price means that there’s going to be less best treatment offered. Maintenance of your knee implant can also prove to be expensive, so it’s much better not to feel shortchanged to start with. The cost of any surgical procedure often varies according to whom you choose to perform your procedure. Another factor that can influence cost is the type of knee implant used.

Factors Affecting Knee Surgery Cost

Factors that can significantly impact the cost of treatment of the knee, by way of knee replacement or knee arthroscopy, can include: whether surgery will involve a one-sided or two-sided joint replacement (which simultaneously treats both knees), whether a total or partial knee arthroplasty is required (a partial knee arthroplasty involves only replacing the damaged component), the hospital that treatment is sought, the surgeon involved, and the numerous inherent expenses due to the process. Additionally, the presence of accompanying conditions, such as existing cardiovascular, deafness, and diabetes mellitus conditions, can significantly affect treatment costs, either due to the requirement for further related healthcare services, or due to potential complications during the procedure.

Finding the Right Knee Pain Doctor in Singapore

People experiencing knee pain typically visit a general practitioner or a primary care physician. However, generalists lack the expertise to make an accurate diagnosis and provide specialized treatment. It is important to find a highly experienced knee pain doctor in Singapore to address the issue as only a doctor specializing in the musculoskeletal system is familiar with the treatments that can alleviate the pain. Here are some tips for finding the right knee pain doctor in Singapore.

Various knee problems may cause pain. The pain is usually a result of an injury, such as a torn cartilage or a torn ligament but can also be due to inflammation around the tendons and ligaments, or by infection. The type of treatment is closely linked to the cause of the pain. The best doctor to diagnose the problem is an orthopaedic surgeon. Be sure to find an experienced knee doctor who specializes in treating musculoskeletal problems, as the wrong diagnosis may trigger a series of effects that could become endless, with expensive medical bills accumulating. With the right treatment, people are able to return quickly to their daily activities. Don’t wait, consult the right knee doctor and be on your way to regaining normal knee functioning.

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